Camping Season is almost here!
Camping season is almost here!!! Traditionally camping season is from mid-April to mid-October. These are the best months to enjoy outdoor living. While we enjoy winter camping almost as much as the regular camping season, there's nothing like being outdoors and smelling the campfires, the bacon cooking in the morning, and meeting and talking with new and old friends milling about the campsite. We recently attended this year's RV Show near our hometown with some of our camping friends. We go every year, and last year's attendance is what prompted us to join a campground and buy a camper. BEST DECISION EVER! So, you'd think there's no need to attend another RV Show if we already bought a camper. But, there is so much to see and learn other than just looking through the campers. I love looking through the campers and seeing what I like and don't like about them. Seeing how they measure up to what I currently have and have grown to really lo...